All aspects of it! I love learning how the curves of my cameras fit in my hands, I love how different lenses are used in different situations. I love the technical settings in my camera. I love the smiles on my clients' faces when they see their pictures. And, most of all, I LOVE LIGHTING!
Natural lighting doesn't always provide me with the look I have in my head. As a result I've learned to use improvised lighting to create the conditions I want. Eventually, being able to control the lighting in just about any environment became a passion of mine. (For more on my thoughts about the "natural light vs. studio light" debate, click HERE.)
Natural lighting doesn't always provide me with the look I have in my head. As a result I've learned to use improvised lighting to create the conditions I want. Eventually, being able to control the lighting in just about any environment became a passion of mine. (For more on my thoughts about the "natural light vs. studio light" debate, click HERE.)
Below is a list of the five most important reasons (for me) to learn studio lighting.
Increased Growth Inverse Square Law + Camera Knowledge (For more info on how this pic was taken click here.) |
Increased Security My strobe transmitter failed. Had to go natural light here. |
Increased Growth
Basic lighting is easy. Creative lighting is challenging and will push you to learn. Hint: Look up the “Inverse Square Law.” It is muy importante when it comes to lighting but unknown to many.
Increased Options
You will have natural light options, studio light options, and combination options beyond your wildest dreams!
Increased Security
If something goes wrong with the weather and it's too dark, you can pull out your lights. If something goes wrong with your lights, you can go natural. Once I accidentally toggled my camera to shoot high quality .jpg instead of RAW for about 50 pics at a wedding. Because of my lighting usage the HQ .jpgs were fine with very minimal tweaking. No worries for my client or me!
Increased Marketability
This wraps up the previous four points. When you can pull off perfectly exposed shots in adverse conditions, or pull off shots that pleasantly surprise your clients, you get to make more money! We all like more money, don't we?
To contact Ande for your video/photography needs:
(901) 213-7890
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