Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The "Nifty Fifty" and Why it's My "Go-to" Lens

If someone were to challenge me to take photos for them with the condition that they weren't going
to tell me what the subject was or what the setting would be, I would choose a 50mm prime lens.  Specifically, the 50mm f/1.4.  Here are the reasons why...

  1. It's reasonably priced. For around $350 it's a little more expensive and more sturdy than the 50mm f/1.8 ($119) and significantly less expensive than the 50mm f/1.2 ($1,619).  The while the f/1.8 if Canon's lightest lens, it also (to me) feels like it's cheapest. The f/1.2 is "L" glass and the lens is solid, but it is a bit heavy. The f/1.4...it's juuuust right said Goldilocks, and it's at a good price point.  If something happens to it and it's out of warranty it's not too terribly expensive to replace.
  2. It's a good focal length that doesn't require a lot of moving back and forth to frame the picture.  Granted, in tight quarters things can get tough, but that generally doesn't happen. You may be thinking that the 24 - 70mm f/2.8 may be more versatile, and I would agree in certain instances, but in this situation I have no idea what lighting is going to be like and I want a lens that will perform better than the 24 - 70mm in low light.
  3. It's lightweight. Carrying a camera body with battery grip, speedlight, and a lens attached can get heavy, especially if it's the 24 - 70 f/2.8 or the 70 - 200mm f/2.8. This lens is so light compared to those lenses.
  4. It's versatile. You can take great action shots in low or bright light. Have you ever seen a sign that says "No flash photography?" With this lens you can laugh at those signs! With a max aperture setting of f/1.4, I can pull of some astounding bokeh effects in camera without having to edit a thing. Sometimes the pictures have almost a 3D look to them. One caveat...taking a picture of people can get very trick lower than f/2.2 as you can focus on their nose and their eyes will be blurry. Be careful there. 
  5. It's small. It's easy to add to almost any camera bag. It can even fit comfortable into the side pocket of cargo shorts or pants!
Do you have a "go-to" lens? If so, tell about it in the comments below. I'm always fascinated as to which lenses other photographers prefer and why.
No flash, low light
No flash, low light, action

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